Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Who ♥ U

I had a lot of fun with this owl cut from The Wild Card cartridge! He or she is just so cute. All of the designers from BBTB did a spectacular job. My title could read U Whoooo or Who ♥ U! Either one is cute.

Thanks for all your sweet comments!


cnelson said...

loooooooove it! ok, after seeing your and Kazan's cards I think I need that wild card cartridge...not good Laura!

Kay said...

I've been eyeing this cartridge and now I might really have to get it! This little owl card could not be cuter, Laura! I'm smiling at the little flower in her "hair". Adorable! ♥♥ Kay

~amy~ said...


Sherry Wright said...

Wow, I adore this.. wtg Laura!!

Cindy Lee said...

This is too aorable!!

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely adorable Laura! I just love it!

(-: Heidi

Anonymous said...

Wahahhhohhoohh What a fabulous card Laura...
That owl is a real`tootie` cutie..
Hope your having a lovely Day `:)XXX

Joke said...

Happy birthday, Laura. Hope you have a lovely day!


jandokan said...

What a cute card...
I also love that owl ;)

Happy Birthday to you :D

Hugs Anja

Julie Campbell said...

I hear it's your birthday!!! I hope you have a GREAT one!!! :)

Peet said...

Happy Birthday, Laura!!
love your card, Fabulous!!!
Peet x

Teamjes said...

Ohh so sweet , i just love Owls and this one is a cutiepie ♥

Rachel said...

This is SO FABULOUS! I also left something on my blog for YOU!!!!

yyam said...

This is sooooo cute Laura!

Regina Easter said...

this owl is way fabulous laura...the colors are awesome

Sarah Hodgkinson said...

This is awesome, Laura!

Marlou McAlees said...

totally adorable!! :)

Sylvia Blum said...

Oh WOW!!! This is amazing!!!
I love all the cutting to create a great 3dimensional effect!
{hugs} Sylvia