Happy Birthday Eric!Today my dear husband, Eric turns the big
40! Although he has been dreading this day, we must celebrate. First let me clarify that I am 7 years younger than my husband ;)! O.k. since we have that out of the way,
Lets Celebrate!.
Have you ever been walking down the street and heard that oh so obnoxious whistle: "FUI-FUI", to let someone know they are "HOT" ?
Well, I think my hubby is pretty hot, he's my "FUI-FUI" man!

I have some yummy
BLOG CANDY to give away. All of the candy is male oriented of course. If you link a picture of your "FUI-FUI" man in the comments of this post. I will pick the top 10 and draw the winner from there. This is to honor our "FUI-FUI" men, it could be your husband, father, grandfather, uncle, brother... just link those great pics, lets have some fun. Show off your "FUI-FUI" man!! I will draw Sunday night and post the winner on Monday.
Now lets see some eye candy!