Happy Birthday Eric!
Today my dear husband, Eric turns the big 40! Although he has been dreading this day, we must celebrate. First let me clarify that I am 7 years younger than my husband ;)! O.k. since we have that out of the way, Lets Celebrate!.
Have you ever been walking down the street and heard that oh so obnoxious whistle: "FUI-FUI", to let someone know they are "HOT" ?
Well, I think my hubby is pretty hot, he's my "FUI-FUI" man!

I have some yummy BLOG CANDY to give away. All of the candy is male oriented of course. If you link a picture of your "FUI-FUI" man in the comments of this post. I will pick the top 10 and draw the winner from there. This is to honor our "FUI-FUI" men, it could be your husband, father, grandfather, uncle, brother... just link those great pics, lets have some fun. Show off your "FUI-FUI" man!! I will draw Sunday night and post the winner on Monday.
Now lets see some eye candy!
Here is the link to my 'fui-fui' man ... he is on the 4-wheeler at the top of my blog. He is my 'wrangler' man! http://pnwchica.blogspot.com/
WooHoo! Suzy your the first! Your man is way FUI-FUI,
I love your dogs too! One of my favorite breeds!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eric!!! Oh Laura, you have a real hunk on your hands...you can find my Fui-Fui Sweetie way at the bottom of my blog....don't let those baby blues catch ya!!!! LOL!!! THANKS for the FUN!
"Happy B`day" to your "Fui-Fui"man Laura I will post mine on my next Post:)
Have a fabbie Timexxx
Happy Big 40 Eric! Can't believe it is that time already. You look amazing - Congrats on a special b/day.
Ok here is my Fui-fui man - I know of 3 girls that think he is the greatest ;)
He's a keeper!!
~Hugs, Deb
DeeDee, wow your hubby's eyes are amazing!! Fui-Fui!, Kazan, Kev is so cute! you know me and Kev;)
Keep them coming ladies!
Ha Ha, my Fui Fui man. Well you can see my Fui Fui guys here...http://stampinggetaway.wordpress.com/2008/02/05/our-family-valentine/ my boys and my hubby.
Happy 40th Eric!
Here's my fui' fui' man!
ok ok here is my what did you call it fui-fui man???
Hey Laura! nice to see you again, tell your Fui Fuiu man that I say he is getting better and better with age, just like wine,(so he can blush once again). hehehe ;)
And a very happy birthday too.
Laura, here is the link to my Fui Fuiu, on the top left side.
Wow, keep the eye candy coming! Lots of Fui-Fui men out there!
I love the idea of masculine blog candy...your hubby is quite cute. Here's mine in our family portrait: http://stampinwhenican.blogspot.com/2008/04/nsr-family-portraits.html
You don't have to enter me in the drawing - I just wanted to say Hi & Congratulations on being our April Guest Designer at My Creative Scrapbook!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with! My DH turned 50 this past year (and I'm 11 years younger...so I always make sure everyone knows that too - LOL).
Happy Birthday, don't worry about 40 in 10 years you will be looking back on it fondly
Ok Miss Laura, I actually had to get my hubby to pose for a pic tonight because I couldn't find one on our computer!!!! HA! He had no clue why I asked him to stand on our front porch, then when he asked - I said - Well, you're my fui-fui. He looked at me like I was crazy. When I explained -- he had a good laugh!! Thanks for a fun way to enter for blog candy!
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to your Hubby Laura- Congrats also on the GDT spot what a gorgeous kit !
Great picture! My Fui-Fui man holds a prominent picture on my blog banner. I think he is pretty hot - there is no one else like him and we are about to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary!
Happy belated birthday to your Fui Fui man.
Here is my Fui Fui or on my blog http://homemadegreetings.blogspot.com/2008/04/things-we-do-for-blog-candy.html
Here are my Fui Fui men!!!
Have a great evening!!!
Hi Laura,
Congrats on being our April Guest Designer at My Creative Scrapbook!!!! I recognize your beautiful work from CMK site! Happy B-day to your hubby!!!
I know I am too late to enter the draw for your blog candy, but I posted a pic of hubby and I on my blog. I hope you don't mind that you inspired me to have a blog candy draw as well. I think this is a great idea, and a fun way to see the other half! Have a wonderful day!
No wonder you say your hubby is fui-fui. He is handsome and looks nowhere near 40.
Boy, I am sorry I missed this little contest. I would really love to get in touch with you (we met at Archivers awhile ago with Pam) It is pretty funny that your hubby just turned 40 as mine did in Feb. and I am 8 years younger than him too. Any way, just shoot me an email as I would love to chat more.
Tell your hubby Happy Birthday! Im dreading my 40th less then a year left. Yikes!
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