Monday, May 11, 2009


"Smile" is always a good motto to live by! This weeks challenge at BBTB was to use the smilie or frown face from the Wild Card cartridge. I decided to go positive with my card and make it fun, bright and cheery! 

Thanks for all your sweet comments!


Joke said...

Big smile, what a beautiful, lovely and happy card.

Lisette Gibbons said...

This card most definitely puts a smile on my face. Gorgeous ribbon. xox

Anonymous said...

so cute!!

~Lori Roop said...

Too cute!! I love the little smiley face!! And the ribbon!!!

Jeni Glee said...

AWWWW, this card just makes me smile! I love it! I wish I could make bows like you do!

DonnaMundinger said...

Tooo cute! I could have picked this out as yours from a million miles away! Love it! xxD

Regina Easter said...

laura, this big smile came out adorable...hugs

MIKSBD said...
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Bex said...

This one really mad em smile, fabulous card!

Terria said...

OH that ribbon is fabulous I love it such a cute card!

Desire Fourie said...

Laura, this is a real cutie and one can't help smiling looking at it. Hugs from Desire