Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome Mr. President

I wanted to welcome our new President of the United States of America 

Barack Obama 

Yesterday was an amazing historical event that I will never forget. 

I am very proud to be an American. 


On a totally different note. I was tagged yesterday by the amazingly talented Carla
This is a really cute tag too! 

It's "Photo" Tagging!

Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder.
Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.
Tag 6 other people that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them.

When I read this I must admit I was just a little nervous! I was having visions of really embarrassing pictures that I know exist in my iphoto!

Well here it is:
 My photo might be a little X rated I hope I don't offend anyone!! ROTFL!!

This is one of our kitties 
He always sits on the couch this way???

Thanks for the tag Carla that was a lot of fun! Now it's my turn to tag 6 others... Lindsay, Lori, Joke, Curt, Alexandra, & Nancy!

Remember to leave a comment 
for your chance to win some yummy blog candy, on the Blogoversary post! 
Also one of my good friends Christine at:
 Is also giving away some yummy blog candy!!

Thanks guys for playing:) 


alexandra s.m. said...

Hi Laura!
"photo Tagged" hmm...?!
Didn't know that one!!
I'll play along of course and thank you for thinking of me!
love that poster!! What a Day yesterday was!! I have never felt this hopeful before...what a man, what a lovely couple!i'm still so moved...


Lindsay Spencer said...

Thanks for the tag. I haven't had much to post lately. No time for crafting when I'm being a house builder. :) I think your picture is hilarious! Very cat-X rated. LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG...I just scared the dogs laughing out loud...

Anonymous said...

ROTFL!! Love it, Laura! haha! Thanks for playing!! :)

Jennifer said...

LOL at the cat's pose! Our cat sits like that all the time or lays on his back with all 4 legs spread.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Great photo! :) My cats do the same. :)
x Natasha x

Desire Fourie said...

You have every reason to be proud of being an American. Lots of us here in SA are just as proud of Obama.
Gusarov is so cute, but lazy is definitely one of his 'good' points, makes me think of Garfield.
Hugs from Desire

Ingrid said...

Great pic!! :-)

And what a historical day it was. Of course I had to watch the inauguration last Tuesday.

~Nancy~ said...

Hey girlie.. thanks for tagging me.. this is such a fun game!!! Love the picture that came up for you.. hehe.. Can't wait to see what mine will be.. haha!!! I'll post it on my blog asap!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Aw cute `kitty`:)~X~