Bow Tutorial
1. Pick out your ribbon, any size, any width.
You will want at least 2 yards.

2. Loop your ribbon back and forth 4 times, pinching in the middle.
3. Turn your ribbon, cut a smaller piece to tie in the middle.
4. Tie off your bow tightly with your smaller piece of ribbon.
We are gaga over bows at g.c.d. facebook! I have a special place for ribbon in my heart. A slight obsession would best describe it. I just cannot pass up a spool of ribbon. Each spool of ribbon has it's own personality, but once you tie it into a beautiful bow it takes on another dimension. I thought I would come up with a new fun way to tie a beautiful bow, and share how to create it in a step by step tutorial. Also here is a card I created using all fantabulous
g.c.d products and my new bow.
Thanks for all your sweet comments!