Monday, January 19, 2009

One Year Blogoversary & A Toot!

Hello all, yes it's been 1 year since I started my blog and I have loved every minute of it! I could have never imagined where my scrapping journey was going to take me. From designing on the most amazing teams to even starting my own challenge blog 2S4Y with my best friend Kazan.

 To celebrate my Blogoversary I thought I would give away come yummy blog candy, that I will give to a random winner. 

All you need to do to be entered is to leave a comment in this post. I will draw a random winner Thursday evening and announce the winner on my blog Friday morning. 
Thank you for participating! 

Now for my Toot...

Yes you can say that Kazan & I are officially 


Former 2 sketches 4 You Designer, Aashild Ruud, is celebrating the 5 year anniversary of her Craft Magazine: Ett trykk and 2S4Y is featured in the Magazine which hits News Stands in Norway on February 1st. 

Thank You Aashild 
I had tons of fun working with you on this awesome venture 
Congratulations on 5 years!

Thanks for all your sweet comments!


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura and what a fabulous journey!!!!
It`s been an absolute pleasure to have been able to join you from the `start` to this present time now!!!!
You are a `delight` and well
a fabulously `super duper`creativly talented crafter for sure...
`Thanks` for all your Inspiration..
Have a lovely Monday my freind:)~X~

Anonymous said...

Con your one wonderful year of blogging. Yours is a wonderful blog that I make sure to visit each day. I read you on Google Reader so I don't miss a single word! I love what you've done with your blog.

Erum Tasneem said...

A BIG congratulations on your blogoversary and for the cover too! Add my name for the candy! That is some yummy candy!

Hugs from Pakistan!
p.s: send me your snail mail.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the blogaversary!! (it's my one year too!!)
It's so cool to see you two as "cover girls", enjoy it, you deserve it :)

Willa Jean Coates said...

Congrats on your anniversary and being a "cover girl"! I would definitely "toot" about that as well! I love your blog!!

debb said...

Happy Blogaversary and congrats on the mag! Thanks for the great blog and inspiration and the opportunity for some blog candy! debb

Jennifer Roach said...

Happy blogaversary and congrats on the cover!

I love the 2S4Y blog....GREAT WORK!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the magazine and your blog. I visit your blog anytime I need a little inspiration. Thanks so much for sharing your work.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog recently & love it. It also led me to your friend Kazan's blog. Congrats on your blog-aversary and the mag cover too. Thanks for the chance to win.

GabrielaD said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!!!

Big congrats as well, it is well deserved.

Moon Hulsman said...

wow so much candy We are glad you startes this blog too Thanks for all your inspiration
Hugs Moon

Lena Katrine said...

Wow! congratulation with your one-year-anniversary! And what a great give-away!
Love Kazan's and your inspiration in Ett trykk!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Laura - Congrats on being a "cover girl" and the 1 year blogversary!

Candy looks yummy!

Unknown said...

Congrats on being a cover girl! I am so happy to have seen you ladies on this journey with your sketch blog! I have been watching since day one!! :D hehehe. You two are awesome and you both deserve whatever greatness comes flying at you! (Which seems to happen a lot!) You are definitely an inspiration to me and lots of other ladies (and sometimes gents) out there! :D You are awesome!

Ooo. What a great candy do be given away! *drool*

sarahw said...

Hi Laura, Congratulations! I love to visit your blog, it is always chock full of wonderful examples. Have a great day! :)

Monique said...

Congratulations on your blogversary and I wish you many more blogyears, but above all I wish you a lot of scrapbooking fun!

Jo said...

congratulations on your blogniversary and also on your cover. i look forward to every post you make to inspire me. thanks for all your hard work.

Lisa and Penny said...

Yeah! Congrats on a year!!! Lisa K in tx

Peet said...

Congrats on the magazin, laura!!! Absolutely great!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on one year and on the Toot Laura! It's amazing what you have accomplished in such a short time!

(-: Heidi

Paula said...

Congratulations on the anniversary and the "Cover Girl"! Yummy candy! I enjoy your blog! Thanks!

Arianne said...

Thank you for the chance to win this yummy candy!
How does it feel being a covergirl? You could enter America's Next Top Model easily! ;0))

Sophia said...

Congrats on the cover...WOW!!!

I read your blog often, what an awesome RAK, hope it wings it's way to sunny South

Jes said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary!!! I absolutely love to follow your blog for some fab daily inspiration!! And a "Toot" congrats and your & Kazan's "cover girl" publication!!!
Thanks again -- Jes --

Mimi N said...

This is my 1st visit to your blog and thoroughly enjoyed it! You may think your life is boring, but I don't think any of us readers would have the same opinion! :)

You are so creative! Wish I had that much creativity in my little finger! I'm a scrapper that hasn't been able to scrap for nearly a year! Trying to figure out how to change that.

Please enter me into your Blogoversary contest. Thank you so much.

Mimi B

mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
wovenbywords dot blogspot dot com

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! Love your cards. :)

Ida / Little said...

Congrats on 1 year and I cant wait to get the magazine, Åshild is very good at picking guest artists :) Have a great week! :) Hugs Ida

Bente said...

Congratulations on the one year aniversary and the cover of "Ett trykk", I'm looking forward to read the article when it comes in my mailbox in a few days :-).

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first year blogging anniversary and for your magazine cover!!! Love visiting your blog and admiring your awesome work!!

Karen said...

What a year it's been! I love the inspiration given on 2S4U, and congrats on being a cover girl!
Thanks for the chance of the candy :)

mtmind said...

did someone say "Candy" My favorite kind...

Congratulations on the one year blogoversay.


papertrails leaver said...

congrats on your anniversary! the year sid fly right by!

alexandra s.m. said...



Suzanne said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary! Can't believe it has already been a year. Keep up the good work!

Mamawheelie said...

I absolutely love your blog, and I've been enjoying it since I found it a couple of weeks ago. Your work is such an inspiration! Thanks for being awesome!

Ginny Larsen said...

Congratulations on your one year blogoversary :) What a milestone. Also, GREAT JOB with the magazine cover--you're fun to follow, there's no question!

I hope the years to come are just as fun!

Kathy said...

Wow! Congratulations :-)
You are so creative
Kathy T

DonnaMundinger said...

Not just cover girls, INTERNATIONAL cover girls. whoa! You two are fabulous! Congrats on your blogaversary too. xxD

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogoversary!!

Anonymous said...

Hi - wow a whole year of blogs - I feel like I've missed so much as I've just discovered your blog and love !!


terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Congrats on the one year anniversary and thanks for offering such wonderful blog candy! YUM.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogoversary Laura! I love love love your blog and read it every day!! Your a very talented artist, I really enjoy your work!

Mary said...

Congrats on the cover spot! I can only imagine how elated you were to see that!!

SmilynStef said...

Look at all of those yummy paper crafting goodies ... congrats on an awesome year & thanks for the chance to win.

Elaine said...

You and Kazan make great cover girls! Congrats on your accomplishments with blogging and 2S4Y! I love the goodies in the candy pick me, ok?

Rosanne said...


What awesome candy! Thanks!

Karen said...

congrats on your anniversary. I love checking your blog for your great work.
Keep up the good work.

Paulina said...

Congrats on your "blogoversary". You seem such a pro @ blogging- I thought you had been doing it for a lot longer! You are so inspiration, Laura....even when I'm going through a "creative slump", I still get inspired from you and your blog! Can't wait to see what you come up this upcoming year!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations with your blogoversary and the Toot!I love your blog thanks for a year full of inspiration up to the next year! Moon69

Lisette Gibbons said...

Happy blogoversary Laura! Here's to many more.

Chantal said...

Yeah 1 year blogging.
1 year inspiration...!!

keep up the good work.

Shirley said...

Congratulations...both on your blogversary, and your cover story. I am relatively new to blogging, but visit your site, and the 2S4Y site pretty well every day. Thanks so much for the chance to win some lovely candy.

Joke said...

Keep rolling girl!
Congrats with being a covergirl and with yoyr bloganniversarie.
I love to visit your blog, love your work and love you!
Oh, and that blogcandy looks amazing!

Bye for now,

~Nancy~ said...

OMG.. girlie.. how exciting to see your faces on the cover of the magazine! WOOW!!! I'm so happy for you girls!!!

And YAY on your blogoversary!! 1 year already!! WOOHOO!! Keep up the good work! XOXO

Laurel said...

congrats on the blogversary, I just had mine too! So much fun! congrats on the magazine too!

Henny41 said...

Congrats on your one year bloganniversary. It has been a great trip and very inspirational.
Thanks for all the great cards!!

TA Carbone said...

Coungrations Laura. I have been following your blog for quite awhile now and plan on following for a very long time.

Keep telling us and showing us the beautiful work you create


Anonymous said...

happy blogoversary:)
you are a hug inspiration to many ladies:):):)

Anonymous said...

I saw this over on Kazan's blog! You guys rock!! Congrat's Laura!!(((hugs)))

~Lori Roop said...

Lovely blog! Congrats on 5 yrs!! Awesome blog candy!!

DeeDee said...

WOW girlie, that's a lot of candy goodness!!! You are such a sweetheart to do that!!! CONGRATS on becoming a cover girl...WOW....YOU and Kazan both are such a huge inspiration to me and I'm sure lots of other ladies, therefore I think you so deserve it!!! HUGS!!!

Jess said...

Congratulations on the magazine cover! 2S4Y has provided me and I'm sure many other crafters with a ton of inspiration so thank you and Kazan for maintaining such an awesome site.

Sandie said...

Wow there's lots happening around here. Congrats on being cover girls. Unreal!!!!

Thanks for the opportunity of the fab giveaways.

Luv Sandie (Australia)

anja curvers said...

Well congratulations on your one year blogoversary and ofcourse for the cover how great is that? Thank you very much for all the inspiration every monday.

Heidi said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog every chance I get. I find everything you do very inspiring and creative!! Congrats on your one year blogoversary and of course congrats on the magazine cover!! How thrilling! Looking forward to another GREAT year of your creations! Take care!

Kelly said...

I just stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago, and it has quickly become one I check daily. I love seeing what you are creating! I don't have a Cricut, so I have to get creative sometimes when I want to re-create a card you have made. Very inspirational!! Keep up the good work.

Book Bling said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Cathy said...

Hi Laura and congrats on your one year anniversary.
Thanks for the chance to win some yummy blog candy

Regina Easter said...

this is totally ladies deserve this and so much more........double hugs

Pineapple Cove said...


Congrats on your blogoversary! I just stumbled upon your blog while checking out the sketches - you have beautiful projects on here! What an inspiration...wishing you many more to come!

Aloha from Hawaii!

Anonymous said...

WOW ! Congratulations on your anniversary ! Have only recently discovered your blog , thank you for the archives..great way to catch up.
Inspired, motivated and craving some blog candy !

Anonymous said...

Way to go-
new to cricut and the blog. love all the ideas i can borrow


Desire Fourie said...

Wow Laura, congrats on being a cover girl and a very handsome and talented one too. As you know I am a big fan of all your creativity. And of course you are toplisted in my Google Reader. Here's to many more happy and creative years here in blog land. Hugs from Desire

Lea L. said...

Wow! What an awesome RAK! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Congrats on 1 year of blogging, on 2S4U, and for being recognized by that magazine! Hope this coming year is another awesome one!


Lindsay Spencer said...

Congratulations you COVER GIRL! That's so very cool. I'm so glad I got to know you through this wonderful world of crafting. You are definitely one of my sweetest friends ever.

Anonymous said...

Big congrats for the cover and your Blogoversary!!!♥

Hugs carina

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura! I discovered 2S4Y and your blog through Heidi Van Laar. Just started paper crafting and blogging in Nov. So far, it has been great especially following sketch challenges like yours. Congratulations on the mag and I look forward to visiting often!

A said...

Congrats on the blogoversary! What better way to celebrate than to be on the cover of a magazine!!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog through Ribbonwood Cottage and I have to say, I am enjoying it so far. What perfect timing I have... sure would enjoy a win. ;-)

simone said...

Hi Laura, I'm still behind in blogreading and only now read about your 1-year blogoversary. Congrats on making this memorable date;)And congrats on being the cover girls in the Norwegian magazine with Kazan. What fun.

Eveline said...

Hi Laura, I just noticed that it is my daughter Simone who was logged on instead of me but it was me who put in the comment just now. Sorry about that.

Giovana said...

Congratulations Laura on your 1st Blogoversary!!! Wishing you many many more. I love your blog and I visit it almost daily.

Thanks for your generosity.
God bless

Nina said...

Congrats Laura on a successful first blog year! Congrats on being a cover girl too - it suits you very well indeed :)

Thank you for all the inspiration you've shared so far. Love your work!


Crystal said...

I love your work and your blog! I am always inspired when I see what you've been creating. I finally came out of hiding :))

Happy Blogiversary!! I hope you will be posting for many years to come. Thank you for sharing such yummy treats :))

Heather M. said...

congrats on the cover! how fun!

happy blogoversary!

Heather Brickner said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary! I have admired your work since fist seeing your creations on the Cricut website. It looks as though you have a very supportive and loving family. Thanks for the inspiration as both a scrapper and a mom/wife.

fotokat said...

Am new to scrapping and in cruising the net - found your blog!! Love it; so inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing!!

Katie said...

Hi Laura!

I am catching up on blogging and wanted to say congrats on ALL of your success! You are so very deserving...full of talent and such a nice person :) Here's to another amazing year!
