Friday, December 5, 2008

Paper Galore!

Just a little Toot!
This "Alex" card is being featured at 

Paper is one of my obsessions! If you could see my stash, you would see that I have a little bit of a  problem!! Recently I had the privilege to work with some awesome cardstock from Core'dinations! Wow is this paper is cool, it comes in all different fun colors, textures & styles. A cardmakers dream!

This week at Caarvarks the challenge is to make a card using no patterned paper, just cardstock. The best part is... the winning card maker gets $55 in Core'dinations paper!

For the challenge I came up with these cute little place setting cards, perfect for a tea party! 
Thanks for all your sweet comments!


Lindsay Spencer said...

Very cute place cards. I love that coredinations paper. Did you know you were on the best of the blogosphere on YOU WERE ON IT 2 TIMES! You rock!

Tanis said...

LOVE these Laura :)
That cardstock only thing was HARD! I have to work on it more....

Unknown said...

These are gorgeous! I like mine :) a lot - so when is the Tea Party?

Anonymous said...

These are adorable! I want to have a tea party just so I can make some!

Anonymous said...

ach and every card is sooo `beautiful` Laura...You can certainly work your card!!!!

Hope your well and enjoying your weekend:)~X~

DonnaMundinger said...

Darling Laura! Doesn't a tea party sound like fun!?! Best of luck in the contest. xxD P.S. Have been enjoying your contributions in the mags.

Desire Fourie said...

These place cards are gorgeous. So elegant. Hugs from Desire