I chopped off all my hair! These are not the greatest pictures because my daughter took them of me with my camera phone! I decided to go short, short, short. It's only hair right it grows!
I really like it, the only thing is that I can not get my hair into a ponytail which is a little difficult. When I wake up to go to the gym in the mornings my hair is literally standing straight up because I have naturally curly hair. LOL:)
Thanks for all your sweet comments!
I LOVE the new 'do... you look amazing!! Good for you :)
{I recently chopped all of my hair off too... yep, miss the ponytail!}
Love the do!
i love it.. you look so pretty :)
Oh my!!! You look GORGEOUS!!! I love it...that is a cute cut too!!! I have not had short hair since Jake was a baby (17 years ago)!! I think about it...but always chicken out....my last "trim" I got 4" inches cut off and that was a lot for me!!! I LOVE your new "do"...it's very lovely on you!! HUGS!!
It suits you. You look very young now.
AHHHH! I LOVE IT!!! It looks gorgeous on you. Your hair looks so healthy and pretty. I really love it. Welcome to my world. I have natural curl too, and it's a monster in the morning. I have to straighten it every day.
I'm loving your haircut!
I ♥love♥ your new hairdo. You look great!! I wish I could have such a hairdo, but no chance with my curly hair.
Oh Laura I LOVE your hair cut! You look MAHVELOUS!!!! :)
i love it, but then you are such a pretty lady anyways..hugs
Oh, I can so relate! No more pony tails for me either. It is a great style for you...I love it!
OMG girlie.. you look awesome!!!!!!!!! Love your new hairdo so much!!
Lovely cut - it really suits you - well done for being brave and going for it!
I had exactly the same style when I had my long hair cut off - everyone kept saying "You're sooo brave!" when I was having it done, but I knew I'd love it and it grows back! Hubby wasn't so impressed though - he loved my long hair but he didn't have to put up with it!
It's weird for a few days not being able to put it in a pony - you get the urge then remember! I now have to style my hair a little but I had it chopped as I was just wearing it up every day. Now if I can't be bothered to style it, I just wear a cute hat!
Enjoy your new style - you wear it well!
Tan x
Look at you... *GOR-JUS*!! Love your new 'do' Laura!!
PS - Ponytails are overrated... ;) LOL!!!
LOOVE it!!! You look so pretty! ;)
`Wow` Laura I love your new hair do...It is `beautiful``...lovin the colour..I think Claudia did a fab job taking your photo`s....
Have a lovely Weekend:)~X~
I think it looks great...I could never get awaay with a cut like that...unless I was able to hire a stylist...
Beautiful Laura! You're gonna love the new cut. I've had mine in a bob for a couple of years now and for me it's soooo easy because my hair is stick straight. Do you have to flat iron yours? It looks so shiny and pretty.
VERY cute Laura!!!
Wow, Laura! I love your new 'do, too! You're gorgeous, girl! You really look wonderful with short hair!
I like!!!
BEAUTIFUL!! Love your new hairdo!
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