The sweet Rae from
Simply Rae had tagged me!
Thanks my friend, I love reading new things about people!
Here is mine:
•I have never had my ears pierced and never will, don't quite know why? Just never had them done!
• One of my major pet peeves, whistling! cant stand it, it drives me crazy! Actually now that I think about it. I am not keen on any unnecessary noise! LOL:)
• I have to keep a paper calendar! Something about actually writing my deadlines down is just a must for me.
• This is too funny because I am not quite sure why it happens so often but... I am often mistaken for my husbands daughter rather than his wife!! Oh man does it drive him MAD!
I just giggle and say thanks for the compliment;)
• My favorite food hands down is... French Fries! Yum, I could eat a zillion and never get sick of them. But I am sad to say I cant remember the last time I ate them, and now I am suddenly starving! lol:)
• I love all animals/creatures that includes snakes, mice, rats, bugs! Except... SPIDERS I have a huge spider phobia. Eeeeaaaakkkk!
• I am not a procrastinator! I have to have things done and in on time or even better early!
For some reason I take huge comfort in this trait:)
Pheww that was hard to come up with 7 things about myself, but a lot of fun!
Now let the tagging begin
Thanks for all your sweet comments!